Let's bring out the Belgian classics





Content Creation
Campaign Management

So, what are we eating tonight? Probably the most frequently asked question next to "are there any questions?"

Foodboxes have gained a lot of ground, especially since the originally German HelloFresh set foot in Belgium. To really get in touch with the Belgian market HelloFresh wrote a pitch looking for a local communication partner. SUPERMACHINE was able to convince them with a storytelling campaign highlighting the typical stories of the dining table, linked to Evi Hanssen.

Our approach

To convince Belgians of the authentic character of HelloFresh we approached things differently: we started our concept from an understanding of Belgian (eating) habits. That way, we could communicate the two key benefits, Share The Joy and Fun Of Discovery, with a local touch. The advantages of HelloFresh, anchored in typical Belgian (eating) habits.

In our "Typical" videos Evi makes a dish that fits a familiar dinner moment: a midweek party, unexpected visitors, macaroni on Wednesday, children who decide to become vegetarian... She tells her personal story with the dish, but does not immediately reveal what she is preparing. This way, the viewer keeps guessing and "the need for closure" increases the chance that people keep watching.

Two typically Belgian episodes

Belgians are real "burgundians" and enjoy social dining very much. Family or friends add extra flavour to their dishes. When we think of a certain moment, we immediately think of the dish that goes with it. The story behind a dish gives it even more flavour. We created 2 episodes from scratch of the series ‘Typical’, together with Evi Hanssen. The videos were shared on social media and YouTube. In addition we made a teaser video and visuals.

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